On View July 17, 2021 Through July 31, 2022
Located in the Main Gallery: Second Floor
Humans live in a world of color. Color is all around us - red, blue, yellow, and everything in between. But what about those special colors that transform as your angle of viewing shifts? Colors that encompass the rainbow and are often described as such, yet aren't actually a rainbow? This is known as iridescence.
In its latest fine art exhibition, the Louisiana Art & Science Museum has partnered with Dr. Nathan Lord, Assistant Professor in the Department of Entomology and Director of the Louisiana State Arthropod Museum, to explore iridescence. Through works of art by Karl Gaff (Ireland), Ted Kinsman (New York), Christopher Marley (Oregon), Kate Nichols (California), Soo Sunny Park (New Hampshire), Jennifer Robison (Louisiana), and Franziska Schenk (England), along with partners from Louisiana State University, visitors will uncover the scientific principles that explain the rainbow-like, color-shifting phenomenon of iridescence. There is more to this captivating occurrence than meets the eye.
Humans live in a world of color. Color is all around us - red, blue, yellow, and everything in between. But what about those special colors that transform as your angle of viewing shifts? Colors that encompass the rainbow and are often described as such, yet aren't actually a rainbow? This is known as iridescence.
In its latest fine art exhibition, the Louisiana Art & Science Museum has partnered with Dr. Nathan Lord, Assistant Professor in the Department of Entomology and Director of the Louisiana State Arthropod Museum, to explore iridescence. Through works of art by Karl Gaff (Ireland), Ted Kinsman (New York), Christopher Marley (Oregon), Kate Nichols (California), Soo Sunny Park (New Hampshire), Jennifer Robison (Louisiana), and Franziska Schenk (England), along with partners from Louisiana State University, visitors will uncover the scientific principles that explain the rainbow-like, color-shifting phenomenon of iridescence. There is more to this captivating occurrence than meets the eye.
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About the Exhibit
Learn more at All images are courtesy of the artists.
Iridescence was created in partnership with Dr. Nathan Lord, whose National Science Foundation grant and generous support from the LSU AgCenter and Department of Entomology helped make this exhibition possible.
Iridescence is also is supported by a grant from the Louisiana Division of the Arts, Office of Cultural Development, Department of Culture, Recreation, and Tourism, in cooperation with the Louisiana State Arts Council. Funding has also been provided by the National Endowment for the Arts. Additional funding has been provided by the Alma Lee, Norman and Cary Saurage Fund of the Baton Rouge Area Foundation, Entergy Louisiana. and the Olin Corporation.
Soo Sunny Park’s site-specific installation, which will be featured in Iridescence, is a 2021 Ebb & Flow Festival event and is made possible in part by a grant from the Arts Council of Greater Baton Rouge, funded by the East Baton Rouge Parish Mayor-President and the Metro Council.
The Advocate is a media partner for Iridescence.
Soo Sunny Park, “Spectrum Specter,” 2015. Stainless steel, glass, natural and artificial light. Photo credit Nash Baker and Peter Harris.
Jennifer Robison, “Wavelengths Between Us” (detail), 2020.
Jennifer Robison, “Wavelengths Between Us,” 2020. Archival digital print with morpho butterfly inclusions.
Karl Gaff, “Botanical Perfumes,” 2021. Color print on Hahnemühle fine art rag paper. Courtesy of the artist.
Karl Gaff, “Mycelium Undergrowth,” 2020. Color print on Hahnemühle fine art rag paper.
Kate Nichols, “That We May See in a Chamber Things That Art Not 4 and 5,” 2017. Silver nanoparticles on glass. Photo credit Donald Felton.